I found some videos of high-level tournament play videos on Nico that this VOOT blog site held and thought I'd let everyone know about this.
The brackets looked like this:
I'll try to relate their names to their XBL user names. '???' means I don't know their XBL name. Help me fill in the blanks! Also, if I made any mistakes on their names, please correct me!
司 (tyukyasya, Specineff)
浜バル (Like That Yo, Bal-Series)
ス丸 (suma124u, Raiden)
とんぬら (tonnura bt, Apharmd B)
シャドウ (ShiningStone, Apharmd S)
men (men345, Dordray)
えーぜ (NanohasanTypeR, Cypher)
うっぴぃ (mito310, Fei-Yun)
BIOS (popoto8102, Raiden)
PEI (peimero, Dordray)
藤田 (???, Stein-Vok)
テム公 (Sera-chan, Temjin)
? probably means someone didn't show up, so Cominuts got a bye
エスポ (Cominuts, Raiden)
住職 (TELEPINOIL, Grys-Vok)
うるく (ulc SC, Angelan)
Anyway, here's the videos for nico users, they are in 4 parts:
Part 1: 司(spe)vs各バル(bal) --- ス丸(rai)vsとんぬら(bt) --- men(dor)vsシャドウ(st)
Part 2: ぺい(dor)vsBIOS(rai) --- 藤田(ste)vsテム公(tem) --- 住職(gry)vsうるく(ang)
Part 3: 司(spe)vsス丸(rai) --- シャドウ(st)vsえーぜ(cyf) --- BIOS(rai)vsテム公(tem) --- エスポワール(rai)vs住職(gry)
Part 4: 司(spe)vsシャドウ(st) --- テム公(tem)vs住職(gry) --- 司(spe)vsテム公(tem)
Not a registered nico user? Worry not! Here are the links for those who has not registered to nico video.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Edit: Oh, I forgot to mention they only show the PoV of winning players. How unfortunate because I'd really like to see PoV of losing players because some of them are amazing nonetheless.
Edit2: えーぜ(cyf)vsうっぴぃ(fei) match seems to be missing from the video.
6/27/2009 Tournament Videos
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6/27/2009 Tournament Videos
Last edited by CRAZYDAZED on 05 Jul 2009, 01:06, edited 3 times in total.
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