OMG (VOOM) tier list/match-up chart

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OMG (VOOM) tier list/match-up chart

Post by SoulGuitarist »

For those that follow @ifield on Twitter, you may know that he traveled to various game centers in Japan and composed a match-up chart awhile back during OMG's PSN/XBLA release. However, not many people know about this list. The tier list went through multiple revisions and this is the final one.


For those who don't know ifield, he is pretty much one of the OMG experts who took it to the next step. He used to be extremely active on both PSN and XBLA. He left the XBLA version early on due to the large amount of players on PSN but as of now, he has stopped playing PSN version. I'm not sure if he plays at all anymore.

I think ifield's list is pretty solid. What are your thoughts?

Is there anything you would change?
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Re: OMG (VOOM) tier list/match-up chart

Post by Porcupine »

Overall I sort of agree with his list, but do other Japanese players agree with him? My main remarks are:

1) The scaling seems extreme. The worst matchups in VOOT are 8:2 and that is only for weak VRs. This VOOM chart has numerous 9:1 and 10:0 matchups. That's understandable since VOOM is a simpler game, and accepted to be unbalanced, but I still question if it is as bad as this.

2) I've noticed the new generation of Japanese VOOM players rank certain characters differently, but I still believe in the old generation's rankings. Namely that the bottom three by a wide margin are Raiden, Fei-Yen, and Belgdor. It boils down to a disagreement over Belgdor's worth.

3) Dorkas and Viper II are good, maybe the best at some levels of play. I agree they should be placed next to each other, as their strengths/weaknesses are oddly similar. But there should be a bigger numerical gap in the "total" column between them and the bottom tier.

4) Even if this list applies to the highest known level of play, parts of it certainly don't apply to the vast majority of players. There's no way that Temjin-Viper is 10:0, or Temjin-Bal is 9:1, except I guess in the secret village of elders.
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Re: OMG (VOOM) tier list/match-up chart

Post by SoulGuitarist »

Majority of the Japanese agree with him and this is aimed towards the highest level of play.

BAL and Temjin are easily some of Temjin's best MUs if you don't get cocky and dash around and shoot randomly. You need to successfully force the opponent to jump and punish on landing. The issue that may make that a task is depending on the stage. stages with many obstacles can allow Viper and BAL players to plan accordingly and land each jump in a way you can't punish them. If that's the case, you have to once again bait them but requires abit more work.
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Re: OMG (VOOM) tier list/match-up chart

Post by Porcupine »

10:0 is supposed to mean you are totally invincible and guaranteed to win every time. So stages must have no effect on the outcome at the highest level of play. At least that's how the VOOT tier list was scaled. Perhaps this list uses a different definition for what 10:0 means?
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Re: OMG (VOOM) tier list/match-up chart

Post by SoulGuitarist »

nononononon those were just my views on the MU.

Stages do not play a part in this tier list.
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Re: OMG (VOOM) tier list/match-up chart

Post by Porcupine »


Here is an updated tier list by ifield. It seems to me like VOOM became way more popular in the PS4 Masterpiece era and the play level has improved, at least compared to the PS3/Xbox era. Some "master-class players" now exist that only started in the PS4 era. Others apparently date all the way back to the arcade release. As long as there are a few players that old, I think ifield's lists should replace the "old generation rankings" I spoke of earlier. (If there is no intersection in population then it is not safe to assume that current players of an extremely old game are better than the original top players).

There is some comment in Japanese here that looks like it is saying something about doing a relatively new "watari turn" technique on pad which could be influencing this list. I presume this technique mainly moves Raiden up, however I had learned about this technique from ifield in the late PS3 era, so I am not sure why it only impacts now. The Japanese players tend to speak as if it is a PS4 era technique, so maybe they were just slow to communicate its usage.

Belgdor has dropped. The PS3 era was when Belgdor skyrocketed up, as new advancements in rowing technique and aiming prediction napalms changed how he played. Now that this has become old, it is natural that he begin regressing to his original lowly status. However, there are still a good number of master-class Belgdors, and one new one, and improvements to his rowing continue to be made. The newest master-class Belgdor player is one to watch out for, in my opinion.

At present, Raiden and Fei-Yen are popular VR with players of all skill levels and are being improved upon. I am not sure if there is presently a dominant champion of Raiden, but there are hordes of good ones. There has been a dominant champion of Fei-Yen since before the PS3 days, and they've been around since the beginning. A super awesome swimsuit wearing vtuber. It's a bit worrisome because this person is several leagues above all other Fei-Yens, so if they have trouble with a certain VR then they are all alone. No one can help them improve in general, or learn new tactics to deal with Apharmd.

I was talking to the swimsuit girl in the PS3 days but they weren't active, so I never saw Fei-Yen as possibly being truly competitive until the PS4 era. I had zero chance to win using Fei-Yen against CapsuleBoy's Temjin (VMS on this forum -- he was the lone very active western player and almost tops on the PS3 leaderboard). But when I came back on PS4 after 6 years of retirement, suddenly I could defeat CapsuleBoy, so my theory was that everyone got traumatized by the swimsuit vtuber. Actually, the champion vtuber appeared only a couple months before I did. I purchased Masterpiece to follow and worship them.

Fei would probably rise higher in a 2022 tier list due to the return of her champion, but it's not time to rerank yet. In my opinion, there are 5 other players who use Fei-Yen often and are competitive. Maybe just 2 who could potentially help the champion anytime soon. There's 3 of us who use a lot of Fei/Temjin/Apharmd so I'm hoping we can help push that 1:9 bad Apharmd matchup just a bit.